Random Deliverability Facts: Using Them to Your Benefit

Random Deliverability Facts: Using Them to Your Benefit

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Deliverability Facts

As much as deliverability rates for email marketing campaigns keep some marketers up at night, there is some incredible data available that will hopefully bring peace.

Sure, as with any collection of data, there will always be some discouraging bits. From the bad numbers to the good numbers, understanding what is screwing your deliverability rate will improve your email marketing campaigns.

  1. 64% of marketers believe that list clean-up is critical to improving deliverability

    From the genius minds over at Econsultancy, according to their Email Marketing Census 2011, one of the biggest and most imperative components to overall improve email deliverability is purge your lists.

    What the Numbers Mean: Without squeaky-clean lists, your emails will become lost, returned or simply disappear into the Internet ether. Better your lists are the better delivery rate. With a better delivery rate, the better chances for your important emails reach the right people.

  2. 42% of marketers also believe that its all in the senders' name

    Though it seems counterintuitive, the relative stature and reliability of the business sending the email has a direct impact on deliverability. Really? It's just all in a name? Or, so says Econsultancy's Census data, it's all in your name. The name of the business listed as the Sender improves deliverability.

    What the Numbers Mean: Not only are your fellow business associates believe that this is another critical component in deliverability, it also demonstrates that they will be looking very closely at their own email campaigns.

  3. 75% of all emails in the B2B world are delivered

    Yes! This is actually a pretty awesome little bit of data. Though from a business' perspective, every marketer wants to reach 100% of their B2B list. According to the Return Path (2010), this bit of data is discouraging. But, think about it: 3 out of every 4 emails sent reach inboxes.

    What the Numbers Mean: This is great! With the other data about purging your list, B2B deliverability will undoubtedly increase.

Watch for more tips on email marketing, Twitter, autoresponders and other online strategies in future blogs.

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