Whether your designing yourself, using a template from an email marketing software system or have an entire team of creative graphic designers on call, the best practices for email design remain the same. Need a hand getting started? We have lots of email marketing design tips to share with you!
In marketing, we all know it's the little things that can make or break your efforts. And, with email marketing, sometimes poor design trumps great copy.
Here are 10 email marketing design tips to follow:
1. Mind the preview pane Don't load up the top part of your email with logos or pictures: this is the most valuable part of your email, so this is where your call-to-action lives.
2. Design for mobile devices The majority of your subscribers still view your email on their computers, but the number of mobile users is growing. Design your email so it looks the best on mobile devices, regardless of how it's viewed.
3. Don't cut and paste Mimicking your website in your email, including all of your navigation bars, is a surefire way to waste valuable space and be unviewable on mobile devices.
4. Use images and graphics sparingly Here, pictures don't speak 1,000 words. Most email filters block large and clumsy image, destroying how your email is viewed. Leave them out.
5. Offer a web-based version Some subscribers want the whole experience of your email rather than just looking at it in their preview pane.
6. Design to fit in an email window The standard width of any email marketing campaign is 650 (maximum). This ensures that you only have vertical scrolling and not horizontal.
7. Design simply Your email marketing campaign is not only an introduction to your company but also a way to trigger action. By designing simply, you're not taking away thunder from your website. Oh, and it helps with deliverability!
8. No fancy links Try to suppress the urge to make your embedded links standout any more than they need to. There's nothing wrong with the standard blue underlining. It's common and recognizable.
9. Disabled images? If you include images, what will your email look like with them disabled? A big vast, empty space with jumbled text? Make sure your email is still pretty and readable with images turned off.
10. More disabled images? Ensure that there's copy in place of any disabled image, clearly explaining what's missing. A 23934.jpg isn't very illuminating but "20% Off Shipping Coupon" is.
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