A Crash Course on the SimplyCast CRM

A Crash Course on the SimplyCast CRM

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Crash Course on the SimplyCast CRM

In Version 8.8, we completely revamped the look of the SimplyCast CRM to make it more user-friendly and add extra functionality through the Audience Management function. However, the CRM is a tool that still has quite a bit of complexity to go hand-in-hand with its functionality and we wanted to highlight some of the things that you may want to do that might require a little more explaining. This post is a crash course on the new SimplyCast CRM. If you have any questions not covered here, we have recently created a whole series of video tutorials covering everything from adding a contact to a list to sending a one-off email, which you can watch here.

Edit a Contact: The SimplyCast CRM contains an in-line editor that appears within a contact's profile, allowing you to quickly add new information. You can also click on Contact Details under the Details drop-down menu to be brought to a larger form, the same form you would have filled out when adding the contact to the system initially.

Download a List: From the List view, select a list and press the Download button. You can then select which columns in the list that you would like to download in which order. The ability to download a list is akin to exporting, so you can keep a local backup of your list information or use it through an integration with another CRM.

Create a Pipeline: Pipelines are a very useful feature to funnel leads through your sales process, or to see which members of your audience are most engaged with your offerings. By displaying your contact information visually, you can see exactly which stages of your pipeline are progressing well and where things might need a little extra push.

Upload a Spreadsheet: Uploading a spreadsheet is a quick and easy way to import existing contact information into the CRM. Many platforms allow you to export in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format, ensuring that your data can easily be read by many applications. Fun fact: while it won't ask for a file, our text uploader asks for your information in CSV format, with commas separating column entries.

Add/Remove Custom Columns: When you're dealing with unique information, adding custom columns can be beneficial and being able to format merge tags using your custom information is just another way that SimplyCast's CRM goes one step further in interacting with your marketing materials. Remember, however, that while you are able to hide columns from appearing once created, at this point in time you cannot delete them.

To get started with the updated CRM, sign up for a free trial of SimplyCast 360. After the trial period has elapsed, you will still be able to use the SimplyCast CRM – while it does integrate with our other product offerings, it is and will remain a free feature and you will always have access to the latest version.

If you're still stumped about how to make the CRM work for you, contact our customer care team and they'll help you become an expert on the SimplyCast CRM.

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