Alerting System Software: Three Reasons to Resell

Alerting System Software: Three Reasons to Resell

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Alerting System Software

Alerting system software has the ability to help notify a large number of people – whether they're employees, clients, or members of the general public – in a quick and efficient manner using a variety of delivery methods. This is especially handy if your business needs to send an emergency notification in response to a threat to general safety. Being able to effectively communicate with those you need to during an emergency should provide you with much-needed comfort in the time of crisis. However, you may wonder why your business should resell an automated alerting system software when safety threats are (thankfully) few and far between.

Here are three reasons why you and your business can benefit from adding alert notification software to your arsenal of offerings.

1. Add even more value to your brand

First of all, by now you know that becoming a reseller allows you to add a great deal of value to your brand without having to spend an exorbitant amount of money to develop the tools yourself. You are able to immediately bolster your offering while also keeping up with the competition and the never-ending development cycle.

Adding alert notification software to your business's suite of tools is just one way to widen the scope of your offering so clients can choose from a wide selection of options. The larger the variety of tools you are able to offer your clients, the more your clients will learn to look to your business whenever they are in need, thus adding to your brand's value. However, it does nothing for your company if your varied selection does not live up to expectations in terms of quality. When looking for products to resell, be sure to find a vendor who has a reputation of providing high-quality tools and is able to provide comprehensive support whenever it is called for.

2. Reach into an untapped market

Marketing automation tools are big in the world of reselling. Email marketing, SMS marketing, and voice broadcasting are just a few of the options we offer as part of our own Reseller Program. There is a lot of demand for these types of tools as many companies are looking to automate their internal and external communications. A lot of demand equals a lot of competition in the market. There are many companies reselling these kinds of tools and if you are able to set yourself apart from the pack then you just might be able to get a leg up.

Automated emergency communication is a relatively new concept. Companies are beginning to realize that they need a way to communicate quickly and effectively with their clients and employees in the event of an emergency and they are looking toward automation as an alternative to the "old-school" pen, paper, and phone method. Saving time is a necessity and businesses are looking to streamline their emergency communications however they can.

Mass alerts are a huge asset in these kinds of situations, and while marketing automation has pretty well cemented its position in the reseller industry, emergency notification is still a bit of an up-and-comer in the field. So, it only makes sense that if you are looking to add a new piece to your suite, a mass alerting tool is a good bet if you want to further distance yourself from the competition.

3. Alerting system software: not just for emergencies

That being said, while automated alerting system software is extremely useful during emergency incidents, that does not have to be its only application. It is a versatile technology that can be used in everyday situations as well as during times of crisis. Mass alerts can be used to send out event reminders as well as office closure notices in the event of inclement weather. Because this technology can be used so many ways in day-to-day life, this increases familiarity with the system, meaning that businesses will feel more comfortable using it during an actual emergency scenario.

So, while technically you would be adding an emergency communication tool to your offering (which is an asset in and of itself), you would also be adding a general mass notification system that can be used on a daily basis by businesses in their communications with employees and clients. Rapid, multi-channel messaging with the push of a button should be enough to get you excited about the opportunity to resell an alert notification system.

Are you looking to resell?

Have we piqued your interest? SimplyCast's White Label Reseller Program has added alerting software to the list of available products you can resell under your own company branding. Check out Alerts and be sure to contact our reseller team at for more information.

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