Automated Solution: Technology Support Communication

Automated Solution: Technology Support Communication

technology automationpersonalized use case solutionsIT marketingdigital engagement
Support Request Process, Usage

When companies receive a support request from clients, it is important to ensure it goes to the right member of the IT department to get resolved. However, since companies often have many different staff members that all work together, this can be difficult. Handling the entire process manually can get overwhelming and leave room for errors that result in the client not getting their issue resolved. So how can customers get help in a timely manner, without creating an unattainable manual workload?

SimplyCast presents the Digital Support Request Process use case. This combination of automated tools helps streamline the process and ensure clients get the help and resources they need to address their issue. Connecting the client to the right department and resolving their technical problem quickly and efficiently is one of the advantages to opting for this system. By employing a personalized use case solution, IT departments can preserve the personal feeling of dealing with a case manager while allowing the case manager to focus on resolving the issue as much as possible.

This solution was designed primarily for use by administrators and clients, with the digital solution handling the rest. The administrators handle most of the heavy lifting, ensuring that the solution is ready for client engagement. From the client’s perspective, this is not unlike any other issue report system and is therefore quite straightforward.

How to Use the Automated Solution

SimplyCast anticipated the demand for a digital method of taking client requests and ensuring they are managed appropriately. Eliminating as much of the manual workload as possible is the ideal solution, as it can be replaced with much more time effective automated steps. This is exactly what we have accomplished with this solution, as the bulk of the work will be done digitally. Ensuring that clients get connected to the right departments and are able to communicate their issues as smoothly as possible is critical. It is also valuable to keep the customers updated on their request as it progresses, ensuring that they stay in the loop. This solution helps address all of these components, as well as reduce as much of the manual work needed for IT employees. Here is a brief explanation of each step, and who is involved in the process.

Step 1- Administrator

The administrator in charge of support requests creates an online form to collect them from clients. This allows the system to determine which department needs to respond to the request and will automatically share it with them. It also helps ensure that the customer database is organized, and that the right messages can be sent to the right clients. This means that if a larger issue were to occur, messages can be sent to those affected easily and without delay.

Step 2- Automated Solution

The solution will use the form to detect which department needs to be contacted and will share the form and any relevant details with them via email. Separately, an email to the client letting them know that someone has been assigned to their issue can also be sent. This keeps communication open with the client, while also alerting the case manager every time a new issue is assigned to them.

Step 3- Client

Clients will now receive their reminders and updates and be able to respond to any other information requests. Once clients have interacted with any messages sent to them, reports will be generated that help the IT organization to continuously improve the customer experience. This will ensure that the client continues to do business with the organization and feels good about the response to their issues.


Why SimplyCast?

That’s the summary of what it takes to create a digital solution for communicating with clients for tech support and it’s only scratching the surface of what is possible when it comes to using automated technology to help this management process run smoother.

The SimplyCast platform is a no-code platform that allows anyone to build and edit their solution. As a result, this solution is fully customizable, it can be tweaked or altered to meet the exact needs of every institution.

Don’t worry about scalability and security! SimplyCast is an ISO 27001:2013-certified company with data centers in the USA and Canada. This means we can assure you that your confidential data is safe on our secure server and the messages you transmit are completely encrypted. Our platform has the capacity to send 100,000+ messages every hour and allows 10,000+ concurrent sessions. We can also acquire additional gateways and servers if you need them.

Most importantly, we have a 99.5% minimum uptime. With our solution, you can have peace of mind.


Don’t wait! Our experts are ready to give you a one-on-one demo to explain how this solution works. Let them know you’re looking at UC0000134, Support Request Process when your demo begins.

Simply request a demo by clicking the button below and let us show you how our solution can help address your support communication more effectively.

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