Back to school is a time of fresh starts and refocusing after a fun-filled summer. For online marketers, it is no different. Now is as great a time as any to look over your entire email marketing process and see what can be improved.
For example, do you feel as though your deliverability rate needs a bit of a pick-me-up? Or, are you seeing the same static reports churning out on your open, click-thru or even conversion rates?
If you answered yes, you're in the right place! We're going to offer up a handful of easy yet extremely effective tips to quickly boost your email deliverability rate.
Remember, everything that goes into making an email marketing campaign successful is directly linked to the delivery rate. Without a great deliverability percentage, your email marketing campaign is, well, poor.
Pick the Right Time
Besides the ideal time of day in which to send your email, there are better days of the week as well.
Seriously, try to avoid the weekend stretch: Friday through Monday. Friday is off-limits because people are busy, rushing to finish tasks and generally have the whole "TGIF" thing going on. If you want your emails to be deleted or buried under a weekend's worth of emails, then send on a Friday.
The weekend? Well, that's straightforward.
Monday may come as a surprise to some, but it truly is a very bad day to send any type of marketing email. You know how Monday's are: setting up the week, catching up on correspondence, meetings and answering voicemails. Simply, there aren't enough hours in a Monday.
Now, moving onto the time of day. Avoid any time before 10:30 AM and between 3:30 PM to the close of business.
Avoid "Sex"
Well, not exactly. Avoid those SPAM hot-button words like "sex" or "free" because most, if not all, ISPs and email programs automatically scan each incoming emails for such words. This means that every word from the Sender to the Subject Line right down through the very last word in your Content is a potential "sex" word.
ISPs are trying to keep ahead of the SPAM game by zeroing in on words like the aforementioned "sex" and "free," and some counterintuitive choices like "sale," "special," "limited time" and "win."
Really, it doesn't matter where exactly any of these words are in your email; by using them, you're risking delivery.
Putting your email marketing campaigns through the rigors before sending them out to your list is standard practice today, but to ensure that you're maximizing your delivery rates, try a different testing tactic.
Set up several different email accounts with various email companies – Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! – and see how your email fares against their filters. Which emails come through? Which emails bounced back? And, which are shuttled off to the Junk box?
Also, test the deliverability of your email by putting it through a blacklist checker. Better be safe, than undelivered, right?
Never Attach Anything
Attachments scream SPAM because they're usually loaded with viruses and spyware. Just. Don't. Do. It.
Email marketing service providers such as SimplyCast do everything we can to keep those delivery rates high and hitting the intending inbox but the steps listed above will help your chances even greater. Today seems like a great day to start, doesn't it?
Happy back to school, everyone.