The entire SimplyCast team would like to welcome Stu Heinecke of CartoonLink, who we have signed as a customer! Mr. Heinecke is a well-known cartoonist whose work has appeared in notable publications such as The Wall Street Journal. He is also an innovative marketer who has been nominated for the Marketing Hall of Fame.
Mr. Heinecke started out as a marketer yet was getting his cartoons published at the same time. He came up with the unique idea to combine marketing and cartoons. The power of cartoons, according to Mr. Heinecke, is that they are highly memorable, create a shared connection and they break down barriers.
Many marketers, such as the noted David Ogilvy, have advised against using humor in advertising, claiming that it is not an effective technique. Mr. Heinecke, however, has found humor to be very powerful, especially when trying to establish a connection with a contact. Cartoons make your message stand out from the crowd. He recalls many instances where recipients of direct mail campaigns with cartoons have saved the advertisement and posted the cartoon in their office. Talk about creating a memorable brand!
"Cartoons are ideal for email newsletters," says Mr. Heinecke. "They create a point of agreement between the sender and the recipient. Getting someone to laugh is a great marketing strategy. Cartoons are disarming, even when the recipient is skeptical of the message. You're presenting the same message in a totally different way, and people can't help being affected by it."
Mr. Heinecke uses SimplyCast 360 to send targeted emails to his contacts and test different email campaigns. He often meets people at trade shows and signs them up for his CartoonLink program. CartoonLink users receive a free cartoon print when they sign up for a paid subscription and can view two cartoons per month. Users also get a monthly "Fly on the Wall" cartoon which they can use for their own marketing campaigns.
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