Creating an Online Marketing Strategy: Your Questions Answered

Creating an Online Marketing Strategy: Your Questions Answered

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Online Marketing Strategy

Online marketing is a scary, confusing endeavor at times. Small businesses call our customer care team all the time to ask questions about the best online marketing strategy for them. It is essential to have a planned strategy so you can create, test and optimize campaigns. If your business is without an online marketing strategy, you will not be able to build connections with new customers and provide the best possible service.

Whether you're just getting started with online marketing or looking to expand your current strategy, you may be wondering which tools and techniques you should use. Here are a few of the common questions we receive. We had so many customer questions, we had to split the post into multiple parts. Part 2 will be coming soon!

Part 1: Website Content

Your website is often your first point of contact with new leads. It is also the place where your current customers go to find information and assistance. A comprehensive online marketing strategy includes an informative and well-designed website.

Should I add videos to my website?

Video is one of the most compelling types of content. If you can afford to make a simple marketing video, you should do it. Reading content takes a bit of effort, and the visitor may not have the time to read a full page. A video is a great addition to a blog post or a product page. It provides a quick, simple and accessible way to connect with visitors.

What types of videos you produce (and how many) depends on your budget, your strategy and your staff resources. Customer testimonial videos are very compelling. Video FAQs are very helpful for current customers and are interesting to new online leads who want to find information. A staff member may be featured in the video to guide the viewer through a common process. Videos are also a great way to provide walk-through demos of your product or service.

Your videos should be posted above the fold on your pages so they are immediately visible to visitors. Videos are highly shareable and should be promoted as widely as possible online, on your social media sites as well as your website. YouTube is, of course, the largest video sharing site.

Should I have my own blog?

Yes! Maintaining a blog is a great way to boost your search engine optimization (SEO) profile. Creating fresh online content shows that your site is an active contributor in your industry. Write about your area of expertise. Provide advice, tips, marketing materials and information to help customers and engage new website visitors. Writing blog posts is an effective way to educate and engage your customers.

If you do decide to run a blog, be consistent with your posting. Larger companies with more staff often post multiple times a day, while a small business may post once or twice a week. In your blog posts, address issues that may be faced by your customers. Answer common questions and provide advice about the challenges faced by businesses in your industry. Keep an eye on the trending topics on social media and in the news. Write blog posts about these current industry topics so your customers know that you are up to date and active.

Many different staff members can write blog posts or even just provide ideas. Everyone is an expert at something, whether it is general sales, social media, marketing techniques, product information and so on. An average blog post only has to be about 700-800 words, so all you need is an idea. People outside your company can also create guest blog posts. This strategy helps build your website links, enables you to post more online content in a shorter time and provides a fresh perspective.

How important is it that my content be mobile friendly?

It is essential that your online content is mobile friendly. Everything from general website content to email newsletters to signup forms should be easily accessible and function properly on mobile. Many people now view online content almost exclusively through their mobile devices. If your content doesn't work on mobile or does not have responsive design that adjusts based on the visitor's device, you are losing out on connecting with potential customers.

How do I create a strong and consistent online brand?

Reach out to customers and leads over multiple channels. You need a way to spread your website content and provide value to your customers. The more places people see you and interact with your content, the more likely they will be to remember your brand. An all-in-one online marketing solution is the most efficient and most effective way to build your brand on multiple channels. All-in-one solutions include online marketing tools such as email, text message, Twitter, Facebook, fax, survey, contact management and so on.

Using an all-in-one solution makes the most of your budget and staff resources. All your customer information, images and content is stored in the same place so it is easily and quickly accessible. Spread your brand image and message on your website, social media, emails, traditional print advertising and paid online ads. Gaining positive customer testimonials and promoting them is also a great way to reach new customers.

Sign up for a free 14 day trial of SimplyCast's all-in-one online marketing and communication solution. Ask our friendly customer service team for a free no obligation demo to learn more.

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