Critical Infrastructure Management: 5 Steps in Blueprints

Critical Infrastructure Management: 5 Steps in Blueprints

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Critical Infrastructure Management

Critical infrastructure can mean many things depending on which sector you are in. From health and fire facilities to roadways and even computer technology, there are many essential assets that must be constantly tracked and their statuses monitored.

With EmergHub's Blueprints tool, the management of this important data can be simplified and streamlined to ensure you are able to mitigate any issues as soon as they arise. To do so, check out the following steps:

1. Create your blueprint template

The first thing that must be done before being able to manage your critical infrastructure data is to import it into the system. But, before that, you must create a blueprint for each infrastructure category. Blueprints are essentially templates containing information fields that will need to be filled out when adding new entries for individual assets. Example blueprint categories could be healthcare facilities, fire departments, or major highways.

2. Add a new blueprint record

Let's say the piece of critical infrastructure you would like to monitor is healthcare facilities. With the Blueprints tool, after you have created an overarching blueprint for such a facility, you are able to use that blueprint to create a new record, i.e. a specific hospital or clinic. When configuring the blueprint, you would have created fields for all the information that must be included whenever a new record is created. Simply fill out the information required, save your new record, and you are able to begin managing the asset.

3. Monitor critical infrastructure on the map

Provided that one of the required information in your blueprint template is a Location field, you are able to easily manage that blueprint's various records on the Map. In the Map interface, you will be able to see and filter the icons representing each of the assets to only show the ones you need to see at a given time. You have the capability to designate specific icon colors according to the asset's current status, allowing you to immediately see which pieces of infrastructure are in a less than ideal state.

4. Create infrastructure management reports

It is not imperative that your blueprints and assets be displayed on the mapping interface. For those pieces of infrastructure that are not able to be shown on the Map, you are able to manage them by creating a custom blueprint report. These reports can include one or multiple blueprints. As long as each blueprint possesses the same field names and data types, you can combine them into a single report. This way, for example, you can manage the status or capacity of all the records from your healthcare, law enforcement, and fire facilities all in one place, reducing clutter and improving efficiency.

5. Use Blueprints in conjunction with other tools

The Blueprints tool can be used in tandem with the rest of the EmergHub suite of emergency management tools. Display your custom reports on the Command Hub Dashboard to maintain the common operating picture and share them with other organizations who may not already have access to view them. Send alerts, recalls, live surveys, and other mass notifications to blueprint regions to ensure that everyone is communicated in as timely a manner as possible.

Would you like to learn more?

For more information on EmergHub and how Blueprints can help with your critical infrastructure management, contact Or visit this page on our website and register for a one-on-one demo of the SimplyCast platform!

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