A CRM consultant has the grand task of matching individuals and organizations with a contact relationship manager solution that suits their particular needs. As there are so many different options out there in terms of CRMs, undoubtedly this can be a daunting task as every organization and individual has different requirements and goals.
Once your client has reached their decision as to which CRM solution they would like to employ, what then is the next logical step in improving their marketing and communication with their customers?
Integrate with marketing automation
After the implementation of a successful contact management solution, the next task to tackle is to figure out the most efficient way to communicate with these contacts. This is where we begin to see some of the many benefits of combining a CRM solution with an automation platform.
Marketing automation is becoming more and more popular with organizations looking to boost the results of their marketing and communication strategies, streamlining their processes so that their clients have the best experience possible. A marketing automation platform allows them to centralize and fully automate these client interactions, increasing their overall efficiency and saving them time to focus on other tasks and responsibilities.
As a consultant who possesses a wealth of technical knowledge in regard to multiple CRM solutions, you may know that CRMs and marketing automation platforms can easily work in symbiosis with each other. For example, through the use of a contact relationship manager, businesses are able to segment their contact lists and send automated messages to these contacts with the help of the automation platform.
The marketing automation platform can easily help personalize the communications to contacts automatically by using merge tags to pull relevant contact information found in CRM personal profiles. The added customization allows clients to feel as if they are valued and appreciated by the sender, which in turn increases their brand loyalty and overall customer satisfaction.
Consultants can also benefit from marketing automation
It is not only the clients of CRM consultants who have the ability to benefit from using a marketing automation platform; the consultants themselves can use the technology to facilitate their communication with their clients as well as market to potential new ones.
With the capability of automating these communications, it is easier for the consultant to reach out to their contacts via their preferred method of contact, whether that be by email, a phone call, or even fax. This can go a long way to ensure that clients' needs are being attended to efficiently and also gives consultants the chance to follow up with past clients and obtain valuable feedback through the use of automated follow up surveys. Results from these surveys are automatically compiled into easy-to-read reports which are able to be viewed within the platform's interface or downloaded to an external device for analysis.
What marketing automation platform should you choose?
CRM consultants must obviously be experts in various CRM technologies which means they must have a deep understanding of how they can integrate with other systems and solutions, including automation platforms. However, that doesn't mean that they know which marketing automation platforms are able to integrate a specific CRM. It would be beneficial for the consultants to be able to recommend a marketing automation solution that they know is able to easily integrate with various different CRM solutions.
SimplyCast offers a multi-channel marketing automation platform which includes its own built-in CRM. However, should clients choose to not use the built-in solution, the platform is also able to integrate with a number of other quality CRM solutions, such as Microsoft Dynamics or Salesforce. The SimplyCast platform provides access to over 15 different communication channels, making it a solution that will enable consultants to compete in an ever-growing market by being able to offer their clients more value for their money.
If you are a CRM consultant, check out the SimplyCast 360 Marketing Automation Platform. If you are interested in becoming an agent of SimplyCast 360, contact sales@simplycast.com.