Digitizing the Healthcare Recruitment Process

Digitizing the Healthcare Recruitment Process

recruitment automationhealthcare recruitment agenciespersonalized recruitment messages
Healthcare Recruitment, Digitizing

It is deeply important that recruiters that specialize in medical institutions respond quickly when a request is made to fill a position. This type of recruitment is usually done to fill vital holes in the health care system. Filling these gaps can be deeply important to the health of patients. A digital solution with a clear process for identifying candidates and beginning the recruitment process is highly necessary.

SimplyCast presents the idea of the healthcare recruitment use case, a complete solution that has been designed to create a straightforward process for managing the recruitment automation process.

The solution is intended to be used by recruiters, administrators of hospitals and other medical institutions that need to fill empty positions. Here is how each type of user would interact with an automated healthcare recruitment solution.

The Healthcare Recruitment Process

SimplyCast anticipated the need for healthcare recruitment agencies to have a straightforward and easy to use platform for handling medical recruitment.

Within this process, recruiters have four steps to follow, and potential candidates have just one:

Recruiters– Step 1

A recruiter starts the healthcare recruitment process by constructing a database of doctors that they can reach out to and arranging their database according to various criteria. This will allow for more dynamic recruitment in the future, so long as the database is kept organized.

Recruiters – Step 2

Recruiters will also need to construct message templates that communicate their needs quickly and require only minimal changes. This is to ensure that even priority requests can be handled efficiently. Regular maintenance of the templates will take less time than rewriting messages every time something changes.

Recruiters – Step 3

By applying automation rules and logic to the templated messages, recruiters can be sure that only valid candidates who express interest are filtered for manual follow-up and contract signing. The messaging can change dynamically based on information collected from candidates in initial messages, meaning that recruitment messages remain personalized no matter what.

Candidates – Step 1

Candidates will need to engage with the recruitment messages in order to progress, and provide enough information that recruiters know what the candidate’s priorities are, what fields they are interested in, and other important information. This is the only requirement for the candidate.

Recruiters – Step 4

Recruiters can look back on previous efforts and review reports. This allows them to explore measurable metrics that outline candidate behavior. Recruiters will be able to see who clicked links, what their responses were to messages and so on. This allows recruiters to fine-tune messages to improve their chances of candidate engagement.


Why SimplyCast?

And that’s really all there is to the healthcare recruitment use case – a straightforward, pre-defined process containing several automated messages that can be personalized when needed.

The SimplyCast platform is a no-code platform that allows anyone to build and edit their solution. As a result, this solution is fully customizable, it can be tweaked or altered to meet the exact needs of every institution. 

The SimplyCast platform has the capacity to send 100,000+ messages every hour and allows 10,000+ concurrent sessions. We can also acquire additional gateways and servers if you need them. SimplyCast is also an ISO 27001:2013-certified company with data centers in the USA and Canada. This means we can assure you that your confidential data is safe on our secure server and the messages you transmit are completely encrypted.

Most importantly, we have a 99.5% minimum uptime. With our solution, you can have peace of mind.


Simply request a demo by clicking the button below. Let us show you how our solution can help you manage your healthcare recruitment more efficiently.

Our experts are ready to give you a one-on-one demo to explain how this solution works! Let us know that you’ve been looking at OUC065 and our account managers will be happy to help you get started.

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