Design applies to all facets of your sign-up form. You want it to be easy and simple while remaining enticing.
Great design is synonymous with a fantastic layout. How you tempt your potential subscribers to actually sign up for your email blast is reflected in the design of your opt-in form.
Furthermore, without great email sign-up form design, you'll miss opportunities to collect the right subscriber information.
In this blog, we're going to tackle expert design tips for your sign-up forms along with what customer information is necessary for you to collect.
But, first, let's go over the basics.
Repeat after me: "I solemnly swear to make damn sure potential subscribers understand the awesomeness (benefits) of signing up for my email blasts. I do so swear."
Make it clear from the very beginning what they get for signing up for your various email blasts.
Types of Sign up Forms Pop-Up Forms
A standard practice for any marketer is to include pop-up sign up forms that load first before the website or landing page.
Floating Pop-Ups
For some potential subscribers, these are considerably less annoying than landing page pop-ups. These floaters appear systematically while navigating through your website. A fantastic side effect of either pop-up is that even if potential subscribers "ignore" them at first, you've planted the seed. As long as your content is intriguing and relevant, then you've gained a new subscriber.
Every single page of your online presence, including your website and social media sites, needs to have a simple sign-up widget in a prominent place. Typically, these widgets live in the top right-hand corner of any page. Ensure, as you've probably already have done, that any pop-ups (if you don't have a mobile-ready website) are easily viewable on these devices.
The Basics: What to Include in Your Sign up Forms
Always keep these forms quick and simple to fill out.
- A quick rundown of the benefits of signing up for the email blast
- Name
- Primary email address
- Types of emails to receive
- Frequency of emails
- Statement of privacy (your company isn't going to sell this valuable information to the lowest bidder)
The Advanced: The Optional Add-ons
In your basic email sign-up form, include an option for subscribers to provide additional information about themselves, if they so chose. This little act establishes trust between the subscriber and your company.
Design of your basic email sign-up form ought to encourage subscribers to provide this additional information. Why? You'll learn more about your customers. And, it provides an opportunity for you to "up-sell" additional features like SMS messages and possibly direct mail pieces.
Again, these advanced suggestions cover all bases for any marketing strategy. If, say, your company hasn't yet developed an SMS strategy, then omit it. Customize this page to reflect your company.
- Title
- Position in company
- Name of company
- Address (include an option to receive catalogs or coupons)
- Mobile number (include an option to opt-in for SMS)
- Fax number (include an option to receive fax marketing materials)
- Industry Type (include an option for receiving white papers or webinars)
- How the subscribers' heard about your company (web search, recommendation or promotion)
- Statement of privacy
Every single bit of additional information is optional and not required. Some subscribers may just provide you with their mobile number and agree to receive SMS messages from you. Others may just tell you how they heard of your company.
Essentially, it doesn't matter how little or how much they choose to share with you. Watch for more tips on email marketing, Twitter, and other online strategies in future blogs.