Feature Of The Week: Drag-and-Drop Form Creation

Feature Of The Week: Drag-and-Drop Form Creation

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Drag-and-Drop Form Creation

Forms are a great way to encourage signups and get feedback from clients. The easiest way to make an online form is with the drag-and-drop technology available with SimplyCast's form builder. To get started, check out the steps below and familiarize yourself with the application.

Every week, we are going to put one of our all-in-one marketing features under the spotlight just to make sure you know about it. Don't worry, this is not 60 Minutes, so no undercover smear jobs. Just the straight-up facts of what the feature is and what it will do to help you do marketing.

Drag-and-Drop Form Creation

We're always adding new features to our online marketing tools and making them easier to use. The form builder is no exception. With the latest version of the form builder, you can now select more elements than ever before, and easily drag and drop them to new positions.

This form uses one of our default templates, but has an added Label at the top that says "My Newsletter". You can left-click on any area of the form and drag it to any position. In the example above, you can add a number of new elements to the page including:

  • Drop down lists
  • Radio buttons
  • Text boxes (labeled as "Text Input)
  • Checkboxes
  • Labels
  • and more


This option will change depending on what form element you want to edit. If you want to edit a checkbox, for example, it will say "checkbox options". You are not limited to changing just form elements – you can customize background images, change colors, and even give your form rounded edges. 

The form builder makes it easy to get a form ready in a few minutes. Sign up for a free account and create one today.

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