How to Dress up Your Email Marketing Campaign

How to Dress up Your Email Marketing Campaign

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Email Marketing Campaign

The title of this post suggests that by literally "dressing" up your next email marketing campaign, it will suddenly increase your opens and conversions.

While this is true, we are not just talking form, but also function.

By adding the following necessary features to your campaigns, you will see a marked difference in subscriber action.

Integrate Social Media

Whatever your social media mix is, ensure that your subscribers have the chance to Tweet, Post or Digg your content.

How you incorporate the social media features into your email content depends entirely on what type of relationship your business has with your readers.

At the most basic level, include widgets to your sites, whether it is your Facebook page, YouTube channel or Twitter feed. Taking it a step further, include the ability for your subscribers to Tweet or Post your content on their personal social media sites.

Add a Forwarding Feature

Email marketing is all about spreading the word.

Take advantage of every available opportunity to have your content go viral and read by as many people as possible.

So, another email marketing campaign best practice is to include a forwarding feature.

Forwarding allows your current subscribers to pass on your content that they think friends, family and colleagues will enjoy.

Think of forwarding as the online version of word-of-mouth where you'll reach new and potential subscribers.


Absolutely the #1 way to dress up your email marketing campaign is using PURLs or personalized URLs. PURLs will drastically improve your email marketing campaign's success and your return on investment will skyrocket.

Simply, PURLs are personalized and tailored landing pages generated from your email marketing list like www(dot)simplycast(dot)com/JaneParker.

Though not many businesses use PURLs, industry insiders expect an explosion in 2011. So, be one of the first!

As another added bonus, research demonstrates that by adding PURLs to your email marketing campaign, it generates higher conversion rates, web traffic, and overall subscriber action.

Be sure, however, that each PURL is targeted at each subscriber. By analyzing their past behavior, you'll be able to create a landing page that is not only personalized for their tastes but also relevant to their interests.

With PURLs, it's easier to track subscriber movement and action online. Customized landing pages are a great way to conduct online marketing surveys.

Overall, PURLs are one of the top ways to dress up your latest email marketing campaign. Watch as your sales, brand recognition and subscriber loyalty soar.

As soon as these features are up and running on your next campaign, devote some "above-the-"fold" content to these announcements. Just because you've added these features doesn't always mean your subscribers will spot them. Ensure that these features are prominent and visible in your email design.

Want more email marketing tips to enhance your next campaign? Subscribe to this blog's RSS feed and get instant access to such posts as Top 5 Email Marketing Metrics To Monitor and Subject Line Inspiration For Top Email Marketing Results.

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