Improve Home Visit Safety with Digital Tools

Improve Home Visit Safety with Digital Tools

home visit safetyhome care check inhome health care communicationemployee safety
Safety Checks for Home Visits, Improving

Prioritizing safety is a huge part of home health care services. Staff are vulnerable in unfamiliar territory, and their patients are often alone or vulnerable themselves. This means that home visit team members often must perform under uncertain conditions.

It is common for team members to check in with a partner during home visits. This can often disrupt work and requires the managing staff to have knowledge of multiple schedules. A digital solution can help streamline the process of checking in and out of home visits. It will also create an efficient, automated method of tracking employees’ schedules.

Overall, such a solution will improve employee safety and protect patients as well. It will provide family members peace of mind and facilitate effective communication.

With that in mind, SimplyCast presents the Safety Checks for Home Visits solution. This solution leverages automated communication technology to assure team members are kept safe. The solution also reduces the inconvenience of memorizing schedules. Home visits can vary in duration, so knowing the right time to follow up with partners is often difficult.

This solution is intended to be used by home health care visitors, their partners, and their managers. Here is how each person would take part in our solution.

The Safety Check Process

SimplyCast expected the need for home health care services. To that end we developed our solution to have an improved method of checking in on their employees conducting home visits. We want to improve work conditions and improve communication between patients and workers.

Within this process, there are a few simple steps for the team members to complete.

Team Manager- Step One

Creating a central database to store each team member’s contact information is the first step for the manager. They can choose to do this using a short online form, or an Excel spreadsheet that contains all the contact information.

Home Visitor- Step One

When the required team member arrives at a home visit, they must complete a short online form. The form will collect vital check-in data such as their name, and the address of the home. This completes a home care check in that tells management that the staff is on-site.

Home Visitor- Step Two

After the visit is complete and the team member will successfully leave the work site. At that time the team member can check out by filling out a second short online form. This confirms to the management that the staff has left and provides a timeline if something has gone wrong.

Partner- Step One

It may be that the team member conducting the home visit fails to check out after a predetermined amount of time. If this occurs, their partner will receive a notice. An email will be sent letting them know that they should reach out to their partner.

This allows them to confirm that the on-site staff are safe. The message the partner will receive is completely customizable, and can include any next steps they should take, should they be unable to contact the partner doing the home visit.

Team Manager- Step Two

When the visit is complete, the team manager has the option to review a final detailed report. This report may include a timestamped record of each check in and check out, a copy of the reminder messages sent, and an individual contact profile for each team member.


Why SimplyCast?

That’s the core of what it takes to create an effective home visit safety check solution and it’s only scratching the surface of what is possible when it comes to using digital technology to improve safety communication.

The SimplyCast platform is a no-code platform that allows anyone to build and edit their solution. As a result, this solution is fully adjustable. It can be changed to meet the exact needs of every organization.

We have you covered when it comes to scaling and security. SimplyCast is an ISO 27001:2013-certified company with data centers in the USA and Canada. This means we can assure you that your confidential data is safe on our secure server. The messages you transmit are completely encrypted.

Our platform has the capacity to send 100,000+ messages every hour and allows 10,000+ concurrent sessions. We can also acquire additional gateways and servers if you need them.

Most importantly, we have a 99.5% minimum uptime. With our solution, you can feel more confident in your messaging.


Don’t wait! Our experts are ready to give you a one-on-one demo to explain how this solution works.

Request a demo by clicking the button below. Let us show you how our solution can help you manage your home safety check system more efficiently.

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