Modals are increasingly popular among online marketers. This little online trick is the next big thing in online form design.
Before moving any further, what in the world are modals anyway? Though it sounds very mathematical, it's far from it.
Modals are those floating boxes that pop-up when a customer lands on a specific page, usually a company's homepage. As part of a modal design, as the window pops-up, the background page becomes blurred or blackened.
So, how do you harness the power of modals to increase the effectiveness of your online forms?
The Power of Distraction
One of the most difficult things to overcome with online forms is the overabundance of information, graphics and pictures. The problem with that design strategy is that you're distracting your potential customers with all of the flash, pomp and circumstance.
Studies have shown that there's a direct correlation between overly designed online forms and the rate of people who either partially complete the survey or cancel entirely.
With modals, you only have a small space and by its nature, eliminate other distractions. Modals provide this by their nature.
Also, there are pop-up boxes that are kind of like modals but don't offer the same sort of design features, mainly the blurred background. These are a nice step in the right direction but if you're going to use a pop-up, why not go all the way?
This, truly, is the next innovation with online forms.
The Power of Size
The beauty of modals is that you're entirely limited by the size. Instead of a traditional online form that is sized to the web page, modals are smaller and can range from teeny to mid-size. Modals aren't typically the size of the entire web page.
With these inherent size restrictions, you'll be able to keep your form short and sweet, only gathering the pertinent information. Also, with the size limitations of the modal, customers are more inclined to fill it out rather than skip it.
Further, the size of the modal makes the exercise of filling out the form a no-brainer. The perception of the size dictates the effort it takes to fill out.
The Power of Impact
One of the biggest problems and marketing plights that you'll face with having an online form is placement. Beyond having a distinctive "button" for your customers to click on to fill out your form, placement is impacting.
Anything that's tucked away or hidden amongst other information increases the probability that no one will click on your form (whatever it is).
With modals, the immediate interaction with your customer is priceless. Regardless of what page they click on (especially your home page), this little window pops-up before the page fully loads.
You're hitting your customers first with your fantastic list of benefits and shortened online form before they venture into the bowels of your website.
Who can ask for more?