NationBuilder is a community organizing platform typically used by political parties, non-profit organizations, and artists. NationBuilder allows users to create a strong online presence and manage contacts and volunteers. However, if you're looking for more than a social media and contact organization system, there is an alternative you can use that incorporates targeted community engagement into the mix.
With clients in over 175 countries and across many industries, SimplyCast allows you to use over 15 communication and marketing tools to communicate personally with contacts. This is where NationBuilder is lacking.
SimplyCast allows you to use the power of automation to nurture new leads, create drip campaigns, and use conditional formatting to personalize newsletters, emails, text messaging and more! You can even communicate the same message through several channels of communication depending on each contact's preferred method of communication.
SimplyCast has a built-in CRM that allows you to store, organize, and add new information to each contact's personalized profile. From here you can see the full engagement process this contact has had, add new information, and add or subtract points from the "score" of the contact.
Everything done within the SimplyCast platform from survey and form building, fax and voice campaigns, SMS and email communications, and more, can be accomplished without any knowledge of coding. The drag-and-drop functionality makes the entire platform user-friendly and intuitive. But, you can use your own code if you are so inclined.
Perhaps the biggest difference between NationBuilder and SimplyCast is the approach to strategy and learning. With NationBuilder, you do not get access to a strategist until the "Organization" pricing tier ($199/month). At SimplyCast, we believe that strategy is too important to limit our customers' access to it. This is why we offer personalized strategy lessons to every user free of cost. It doesn't matter if they are using a free trial, an inexpensive channel, or our top plan. Everyone is offered the same lesson free of charge to help them get started, as well as a $25 gift card as a thank you for attending.
So, if you are looking for a platform to organize your contacts or members and build your online presence, NationBuilder may be the platform for you. However, if you want to do that and more by adding targeted multi-channel engagement to the mix, check out our free 14-day trial.