Make Your Emergency Notifications Heard

Make Your Emergency Notifications Heard

multi-channel emergency solutionemergency communicationsemerghubemergency notification automationemergency alert system
Emergency Notifications

Before an emergency happens, it's important to be prepared. From fires, weather alerts, accidents, or disease outbreaks, it's important that you have a plan in place before the emergency occurs. As part of your plan, it is important that people are informed through emergency notifications.

What does your emergency plan include?

Think of your current emergency plan. If something were to happen, what's the first step you would take? Lock-down? Evacuation?

How would everyone find out about the plan and the steps being taken?

Emergency alerts are a critical part of an effective emergency plan and can help make residents aware of important issues. Communicating with the public is a very important part of an emergency plan because you want them to be aware of the issue before it is too late.

Pre-plan your notifications

In an emergency, you don't necessarily have time to notify everyone you should right away. This problem can be aided by having emergency notifications prewritten. This way, in the event of an emergency, you don't need to rush to get the word out there: it's already ready for you to send.

Have an emergency alert system

Now that you have your messages ready in advance, the next step is to have them ready to send.

How are you currently getting the word out about emergencies?

Long gone are the days when everyone listened to the radio for the news. You need to ensure that everyone gets your message in a way they are sure to check. This can easily be done through a multi-channel emergency alert system.

Since some people constantly check email, others prefer SMS messages, and others still prefer a voice call, having a solution that is able to send the same message through several channels is ideal for notifying as many people as possible about an emergency situation.

Send emergency notifications automatically

The benefit of using a multi-channel solution is reaching people through their preferred method of communication. Combine this with an automated solution and you will be able to reach people effectively and easily in emergencies.

Imagine, if you used a multi-channel automated emergency alert system, you would only need to hit one button to let thousands of people know about an emergency. This saves your emergency teams and staff precious time.

If you'd like to see how a multi-channel emergency alert system could work for you, sign up for a 14-day free trial of SimplyCast 360.

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