New and Improved, with Customer-Requested Features!

New and Improved, with Customer-Requested Features!

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Customer-Requested Features

New and improved features graphic

We know that change is hard, yet it is also necessary. We have been working around the clock to improve our services and tools for you, and to provide you with additional customer-requested features. You are no doubt wondering why we needed to change things, and what these changes will mean for you as a user. We will help guide you through it. We also now offer many videos in the "Help & Tutorials" tab, in the editor of certain applications. These will help you to create and send messages.

Our contact management tool has received a powerful make-over. It now has the capacity to process more information and perform more detailed tasks. The new contact management options also give you in-depth control over how your contact information is stored, segmented and updated. You can track the activity of each individual contact to see their detailed history. If a contact appears on more than one of your lists, you can now view all their data, rather than just their data from one single list.

You can also decide exactly how incoming information is handled. Do you want any new information about existing contacts to update their old information? Do you want the new information to only update certain areas of that contact's overall profile? There are many new options and you may choose the options that work best for you and for each of your contact lists.

Email also has new requested-by-you features. Conditional sections are parts of the email that are only seen by certain users, based on the specifications that you set. You can create an email, then specify that only certain users will see a certain block of text. Maybe you're sending out a newsletter to all your subscribers, but you want only the people who have previously purchased to see the part about the coupon code offer. No problem. Don't waste your time manually separating each customer. Any information that is included in the list you are using can be used to automatically hide certain parts of the email from specific subscribers.

You are now also able to save an email template that you have created so that you can use it again in the future. Customize your email, position the text and image blocks exactly how you want them, add space here and color there, then save your customized template.

Facebook now offers the popular Multi-User Accounts feature, that lets multiple people work on the same project, with different levels of permissions.

Both our social media tools are now integrated into the 360 Automation Manager, so you can set up a complete marketing campaign including both contacting your customers (by email, SMS and voice) and sharing updates with them through your Facebook and Twitter accounts. It has never been so easy to run every aspect of your campaign through a single, automated solution.

The look of many of our products has changed slightly to make it easier to create messages. Almost all of these changes were based on user feedback. We hope this helps to understand why we updated our application. Please do not hesitate to contact customer support if you have questions.

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