New Improved List Manager

New Improved List Manager

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As you know, we have updated many of the features and channels of our platform to provide a higher quality of service for you. Our List Manager has had a make-over, to be more powerful and faster, and you probably have old lists that need to be converted.

Fear not! Your data and your contacts are still there, your lists just need to be updated.

To convert your old lists to the new version of the SimplyCast platform, go the List Management application and look for the red "Convert Old List" button. When you click on this button a small window will open where you will need to do the following:

1. Enter a name for the list you wish to convert.

2. Select the old list from the drop-down list.

3. Click on the "Create List" button.

You will now arrive on the List Upload Options page. Under the "List Upload Type" section choose "Create New List".  You will also see your list name on this page. If you decide you want to change the name to something different than you entered previously, you can enter it here.

Before you complete your list upload, look at the "Column Mapping" section. Each field from your old list will appear in the Column Mapping section, and the system will try to automatically associate existing list columns with the new list system. These fields are displayed to you in drop-down boxes to the right of each field name.

Important: Field names that are not automatically associated will show "Ignore Column" in the drop-down box. If you want to keep the data in this column, use the drop-down box to select a column to associate with your list field. If a column you want does not exist, select [New Text Column] or [New Date Column] values in the drop-down box. The New Date Column drop-down box should only be chosen if the field contains a date and time. If you have chosen to create a new column, a box will appear to name that new column.

Once you are happy with the columns in your list take a look at the Merge Options section. The new list management system is contact-based, which means a contact is stored only once but can appear in multiple lists. If you are uploading multiple lists, you can choose how you want to handle updates to your customer data. By default, the system will overwrite (replace) existing contacts with the new data you are uploading. If you don't want this to happen, select "Discard Matching Contacts".

To complete the upload process, use the blue "Create List" button on the left.

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