Transform the Permit Filing Process with Hyperautomation

Transform the Permit Filing Process with Hyperautomation

digital formsapplying for a permitonline permitget permit onlineautomated sortingtrack applicationtrack application statusautomated notificationdigital applicationdigital applications

Introducing SimplyCast’s Permit Filing Use Case

At SimplyCast, we regularly leverage our expertise with email marketing automation to create new solutions to everyday problems. We provide Smart Cities with accessible, scalable processes that integrate with existing infrastructure, meaning your city can stay on the cutting edge without upskilling or other expensive investments.

Our Permit Filing use case is just one of many such solutions we offer. For an expedited permit filing process that is more straightforward for the public and city officials, this use case makes use of hyperautomation tools such as:

  • Digital forms
  • Automatic sorting
  • Scheduled notifications
  • Tracking pipelines
  • Data analytics

These features work together for a solution that provides city officials with convenience and insight. Access to data analytics regarding digital applications (such as rejection and approval rates) informs decision making processes and suggests how future permit filing could be even further improved.

Four Easy Steps, Four Unbeatable Features

Our Permit Filing use case boasts many useful features for city officials and residents applying for a permit, and can be incorporated in just four steps:

  • Digital Forms: These forms are safeguarded by our ISO and TX-Ramp certified security systems that are trusted by clients worldwide. Residents can use their personal devices to complete the forms they need and submit their applications, secure in the knowledge that their data is protected.
  • Automatic Assignment: Once an application has been submitted, it is automatically shared with the appropriate reviewer, for whom a task is generated.
  • Task Tracking: The staff member may review tasks directly or within a tracking pipeline that showcases each step of the permit filing process. Tasks may be sorted by timeline, type of permit, or other useful criteria.
  • Statistic Review: Once a permit has been approved or rejected, a notification is automatically sent to the applicant to inform them of their request status. The result can then be added to a tracking pipeline for the quick review of total approvals and rejections.

It’s that simple! With our platform, Smart Cities can easily take advantage of use case frameworks that streamline processes and benefit everyone involved, at every level.

What Issues Does This Use Case Tackle?

Cities face many challenges with permit filing, such as:

  • Lengthy and complicated application processes
  • Lost or damaged paperwork
  • Forms that have been incorrectly completed
  • Completion of incorrect forms for certain permits
  • Completion of outdated versions of forms

These mistakes are easy to make, but often result in lengthy delays, and dissatisfaction not just among residents applying for permits, but for the city officials managing the paperwork. Other risks with manual processes include wasted resources (like large amounts of paper, which over time has cumulative financial and environmental consequences) and applicants paying a fortune in non-refundable administration fees.

Remove the confusion with SimplyCast’s Permit Filing use case: our versatile solution for every department.

Hyperautomation Benefits You Don’t Want to Miss

By now, you’ve seen what our Permit Filing use case is capable of. We’ll leave you with some of our favorite benefits to consider:

  • Simple: A straightforward process takes the pain out of permit filing. Simply provide a landing page where applicants can select the forms they need. Once complete, they will be automatically sent to the correct staff. No need to stand in line.
  • Clear: Rather than residents having to call departments to check on the status of their application, scheduled notifications keep them up to date. Take the worry out of waiting—essential information is communicated every step of the way.
  • Direct: Applications are automatically assigned to the right member of staff, meaning they cannot be misplaced or lost in the system. This direct approach expedites the review process as much as possible.
  • Fast: Hyperautomation removes the repetitive tasks from a staff member’s day (such as taking calls from worried applicants, sorting documents, checking which department they should go to, and filing them), reducing their overall manual workload. Staff can instead focus on completing application review and other important duties.

Overall, this use case provides a much-needed opportunity for Smart Cities to elevate their permit filing process. This direct, user-friendly framework improves the relationship between residents and their cities, strengthens public trust and satisfaction, and reduces the risk of important applications being rejected in error.

Interested in learning how smart your city can be? Reach out today to try our platform for yourself! Our experts are standing by to answer your questions and provide a free demo.

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