When you are a web host, you need to ensure that your customers are satisfied with your service, and if you can offer them the complete solution that no other web hosts offer, giving you a definite advantage over the competition. What unique solution can you offer to assist your customers and make sure they keep doing business with you? Marketing automation.
66% of successful small businesses turn to online marketing automation to help them grow. It's easy and can be used by anyone, it's relatively inexpensive for any business with a limited budget and there are detailed reports available so it's simple to tell what strategies are working.
SimplyCast is a provider of marketing automation software, with clients and customers worldwide. We offer software that makes it easy for anyone to create, deliver and track marketing messages, with over 15 marketing tools. SimplyCast has a dynamic partnership program, which is more than just a white-label and is perfect for web hosts or anyone providing online services. With our recently launched 360 Automation Manager, your clients can send messages over their customers' preferred modes of communication, targeted to their individual preferences!
Become the one-stop shop for all your customers' needs. You already offer hosting and probably also website design, you might even provide some marketing services, but now you can offer the complete package with robust marketing tools. Small and medium-sized businesses need affordable marketing solutions, and you can provide those solutions with easy-to-use tools and comprehensive reports.
We are experts and we will help you throughout the entire reseller partnership process. All customers you get are your own, and you have the freedom to set your own prices. There are no development costs, as all our software is fully functioning and is continually tested. We will train your staff as well, so your whole team becomes experts on your new tools.
Provide the complete solution with marketing automation to your customers today!
Put your own branding on these tools, and offer your customers a complete automated solution for online, offline, mobile and social marketing. Avoid the complication of going through a third party to provide additional customer services.