Random Lead Generation Facts: How to Use Them for Your Benefit

Random Lead Generation Facts: How to Use Them for Your Benefit

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Lead Generation Facts Use Them to Your Benefit

Social media is one of the top 10 channels for marketers

According to Unisfair (2010), social media is one of the best tools for online business marketing. Even more so, social media is one of the greatest resources for lead generation. What are leads? Simply, the cultivation of new customers and clients. Regardless of the demographic, everyone is on some sort of social media, such as Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook. Social media is the future.

What the Numbers Mean: Along with your other marketing strategies, like your email marketing campaigns, social media is one of the optimal areas in which to invest. Never throw out your other online strategies, but the data from Silverpop (2010), points to the importance of social media for marketers.

Lead Generation is the most rapid form of marketing growth

And, one of the rapidly growing revenue sectors of online business. Millions of dollars are raked in each year, and according to GP Bullhound Research Report (2007), this revenue stream will reach billions.

What the Numbers Mean: Again, this is another reason to jump on this revenue bandwagon. All of these numbers reiterate the fact that leads are generated through consistent customer contact through email. As a golden rule, of course, is to increase customer retention is to always include an opt-out / opt-in option.

Watch for more tips on email marketing, Twitter, autoresponders and other online strategies in future blogs.

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