Return Lost Luggage with SMS and Email

Return Lost Luggage with SMS and Email

airportlost luggage solutionairport communicationemail automationsms automation
Return Lost Luggage

Have you ever had that feeling of helplessness when you fly into an airport and realize that your luggage didn't make the trip?

Unfortunately, it's human error, not technological, which causes a bag to be misplaced. However, your airport can make the recovery process less taxing on the passenger by sending them automatic updates as to their luggage's whereabouts until the bags reach their final intended destination.

Offer SMS and email opt-in beforehand

When travelers first purchase their airline ticket online, you can request that they opt-in to receive automated messages in the event their luggage has been lost or misdirected. They can choose to receive the updates through email or SMS, depending on their personal preference.

Should they opt-in, the passengers' contact information and preferences are stored in SimplyCast's built-in CRM, ready to use should the need arise.

Trigger messages automatically

So, what will happen if one of your opted-in passengers is unfortunate enough to lose their luggage? Once your airport has located the missing pieces, you can now begin to send messages to the passenger's phone or email to update them on the return delivery status.

Depending on how often bags get lost at your airport, you may be thinking that there is no way to send updates to every single affected passenger. The great thing about SimplyCast 360's easy-to-use platform is that you don't need to manually send the updates!

Within SimplyCast 360, you can create your flow and prepare all of your updates in advance. Now, once a flyer has lost their luggage, you simply just add them into the flow and they are kept updated on the status of their luggage. These messages also provide a convenient way for flyers to message you if they don't receive their luggage at the expected time.

This process keeps your passengers in the loop, makes them feel valued and cared for, and gives them an easy way to find out about the status of their luggage. It also allows you to focus on other areas of your airport maintenance while still building brand loyalty.

Try it for yourself

Sign up for a 14-day free trial of SimplyCast 360 and see how easy it is to automate your airport's lost baggage return communication process!

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