Online Form Creation Has Never Been Easier

Online Form Creation Has Never Been Easier

formsform buildersignup formopt-inonline form creationblogmarketing automationdouble opt-in
Online Form Creation Has Never Been Easier

For those using SimplyCast's all-in-one marketing solution already, you have had plenty of time to experience the numerous features that make your life so much easier when it comes to creating, sending and managing campaigns. As we prepare to release version 7.0 of SimplyCast in early 2012, we want to showcase some of the features that have been getting the job done for days, months and even years for many of our clients—including online form creation.

These features, of course, won't be going away with the new release. They will be upgraded, polished and tweaked to become even better and more powerful. These features are the base of what is to come with version 7.0 and whether you are a long time user or a brand new sign up, you are going to be wowed.

But before we start sharing what is coming in the future, let's take a look at what some of SimplyCast's current features are and how they can benefit your business.

Free Online Form Creation

Everyone who does online marketing needs a list to send to. No matter what you want to do, whether it is sending an email, a fax or a text message, you need a list. To top it off, to use SimplyCast and pretty much every other ESP, you need a compliant list that is double opt-in and up to date. That means you can't just go out and buy a list because that can destroy your company and get you on every naughty list there is.

The key is building an engaged and opt-in list and building it organically. That is where a signup form comes into play, which you can make yourself using online form creation. You have seen them and most likely used one very recently. They are on websites, in emails, and several other places that businesses use to gather client data.

With SimplyCast you can create your own online form using our online form creation tool for free and customize to what you need to collect.

Each piece of data will automatically be added to a list that you can manage and use to send your campaigns to. Without having any HTML or design skills you can create and add a form to your website in less time than it takes to brew a pot of coffee.

Want to learn more? You can read about all the features and benefits of our online form creation tool here and even request a demo from our team.

Stay tuned for more features and more exciting news on what is coming in version 7.0.

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