Targeted Recruitment Solution Benefits

Targeted Recruitment Solution Benefits

digital recruiting solutionsrecruitment communication platformrecruitment agenciesdigital recruitment process
Targeted Recruitment, Benefits

Recruitment companies face challenges when it comes to managing and targeting recruitment-related messaging. These challenges include identifying prospect capabilities, the right prospects to send to hiring companies, and matching opportunities with the right candidates. To solve this problem, recruitment companies may have to use complicated methods. However, a digital solution addresses all these challenges.

SimplyCast presents the idea of a digital solution - targeted recruitment solution, a system which allows recruitment companies to easily process identify the requirements of job postings and the skill of prospects alike, and then easily make use of that information. Recruiters have an opportunity to centralize candidates and postings in a way that is easily organized based on posting criteria, skills, industry, and more.

Targeted Recruitment Solution Benefits

SimplyCast anticipated need for targeted recruitment solution which aims to help recruitment companies to streamline their communications. This solution makes use of four key factors digital intake forms, automatic recruiter assignment, automatic candidate and job posting sorting based on skills and requirements and the ability to target and customize messaging based on any recorded information. Let's go through some of the benefits below!

Customization of Messages

Firstly, Digital Forms are created to ensure all information about a prospect, or an open position is recorded. Prospects can fill out digital forms where they identify key skills that they possess, along with additional information as desired. This allows recruiters to easily take that information and match it with prospects.

Easy Categorizing and Pre-sorting Hiring Companies and Prospects

As mentioned above, the targeted recruitment solution includes automatic sorting. Based on the skills and certifications that prospects have, they can automatically be sorted to not only account managers, but pre-defined lists as well.

Simplifying Prospect Intake

Lastly, based on the pre-defined lists that are created through automatic sorting or more specified criteria, messages can be sent to all applicable candidates or companies. The exact content show within emails can be further customized, changing what is shown to a hiring company based on what they’re looking for, or what a prospect sees based on the combination of skills they possess.


Why SimplyCast?

The SimplyCast platform is a no-code platform that allows anyone to build and edit their solution. As a result, this solution is fully customizable, it can be tweaked or altered to meet the exact needs of every institution.

Don’t worry about scalability and security! SimplyCast is an ISO 27001:2013-certified company with data centers in the USA and Canada. This means we can assure you that your confidential data is safe on our secure server and the messages you transmit are completely encrypted. Our platform has the capacity to send 100,000+ messages every hour and allows 10,000+ concurrent sessions. We can also acquire additional gateways and servers if you need them.

Most importantly, we have a 99.5% minimum uptime. With our solution, you can have peace of mind.


Don’t wait! Our experts are ready to give you a one-on-one demo to explain how this solution works.

Simply request a demo by clicking the button below and let us show you how our solution can help you manage your Targeted Recruitment Solution more efficiently.

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