Top Three Reasons to Use SMS Marketing Software

Top Three Reasons to Use SMS Marketing Software

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Have you sent or received a text message today?


Did you know that by using SMS marketing software you can send your message to thousands of people all at the same time?

Maybe not.

SimplyCast's SMS marketing software makes it very simple to create a message and send it to your subscriber list without even breaking a sweat.

But why should you consider using SMS marketing as part of your overall game plan?

Here are three reasons that should sway you:

  1. The cool factor. Everyone is texting and it is quickly taking over from phone calls and emails as the primary way to keep in touch. It also makes your business look cutting edge or hip.
  2. The message is short and to the point. Time is money these days and with people jugging 57 things during their day a customer or potential lead needs to know about your offer in a succinct and meaningful way. Thanks to Twitter, everyone is also very used to reading and writing in a small number of characters.
  3. Only pay for the customers you reach. SMS advertising is a permission-based medium. That means customers that actually want to hear from you and are more likely to buy from you are opting in and giving you permission to message them. Also, you only pay for the messages that are sent to those interested people.

For more on how SimplyCast's SMS marketing software can help you grow your business visit the webpage or contact our customer care team for a full walkthrough.

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