Union Member Complaint Tracking: Solution Benefits

Union Member Complaint Tracking: Solution Benefits

union member complaintsdigital complaint trackingunion grievance management
Union Member Complaint Tracking, Benefits

Unions have to deal with complaints, and the process that comes along with handling them. A lot of the time they will attempt to resolve the issue before it escalates and a case manager is needed, but sometimes this is unavoidable. When choosing to do this manually, they must follow the complaint each step of the way and ensure that it gets resolved. This leaves room for human error and could lead to cases being missed or delayed. How can unions make sure formal complaints are managed efficiently, while avoiding unnecessary paperwork, meetings, or other time-consuming steps?

A digital solution can streamline the union grievance management process and take some of the weight off the case managers' shoulders. Where each complaint is unique to the situation, it is important to have a solid line of communication, so all information is shared with the right people. SimplyCast presents the Union Member Complaint Tracking use case, designed to help unions manage their complaint system without creating additional work for staff. There are several benefits to switching over to an automated solution, and we are going to outline a few in this blog.

The Benefits of a Digital Solution

When formal complaints are lodged, there are certain steps that must be taken to ensure everyone is content with the resolution. You want to avoid member frustration due to a lack of communication, missed or delayed cases, case presentations missing information, or complaint management taking longer than necessary. All of these factors are challenging to avoid when you manually deal with member complaints. This is why SImplyCast anticipated the need for a digital solution, capable of using automated communication tools to provide accurate information to case managers. Here are a few key opportunities we identified, that switching to the digital solution provides unions with.

Easy Complaint Submission

When a union member files a formal complaint and mediation or other discussions aren’t enough to resolve it, they can fill out a digital form to start the process. This will alert the central database as well as the case manager that a complaint needs addressing. This doesn’t involve much human intervention, so whoever is filing the complaint can be assured it gets done in their own time and the details are presented how they see fit.

Case Manager is Kept Up to Date

Since all of the information is stored in a central database, automation will ensure the case manager is notified of every relevant change or complaint submission, and nothing gets left unread. The digital complaint tracking system will remind managers to follow up with any other staff, schedule a meeting with the complainant. The solution will also track what stage of complaint the case is in. There is a lot less for the case manager to manually keep track of, which helps less cases go unresolved.

Complaint Acknowledgement

Once a member lodges a complaint, unions may want to acknowledge them and ensure they are being taken seriously. The case manager can look over information, and then send a message to the complainant with the result of the initial review. Instead of manually searching for their information, this can be done directly from their profile within the database. This allows for a more personalized approach, as well as information being stored in their profile for any future usage. The case manager can be assured that information is kept secure and is there if they need to refer back to it later on.


Why SimplyCast?

That’s the core of what it takes to create a member complaint tracking system, and it’s only scratching the surface of what is possible when it comes to using digital technology to improve union communication.

The SimplyCast platform is a no-code platform that allows anyone to build and edit their solution. As a result, this solution is fully customizable, it can be tweaked or altered to meet the exact needs of every institution.

Don’t worry about scalability and security! SimplyCast is an ISO 27001:2013-certified company with data centers in the USA and Canada. This means we can assure you that your confidential data is safe on our secure server and the messages you transmit are completely encrypted. Our platform has the capacity to send 100,000+ messages every hour and allows 10,000+ concurrent sessions. We can also acquire additional gateways and servers if you need them.

Most importantly, we have a 99.5% minimum uptime. With our solution, you can have peace of mind.


Don’t wait! Our experts are ready to give you a one-on-one demo to explain how this solution works. Let them know you’re looking at OUC085, Union Member Complaint Tracking when your demo begins.

Simply request a demo by clicking the button below and let us show you how our solution can help you manage your member complaint tracking system more efficiently.

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