If you're only now asking "What is GDPR?" then you may have some catching up to do.
Join SimplyCast's Free GDPR Email Course
The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation is bearing down on businesses and organizations alike, forcing them to take a hard look at how they collect and process personal data belonging to citizens of the E.U. and ensure they comply with the additional rights granted to these citizens in regard to their data.
This new regulation will come into effect on May 25, 2018 and will apply to any business or organization who collects, processes, or stores any personal data from citizens living in the E.U. So even if your business is located outside of the Union, as long as you deal with data belonging to residents living there, you will be affected by this regulation change.
GDPR will replace the former Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC and will unify all the different data privacy laws currently present in the E.U. under one single regulation. One of the many changes coming with GDPR means data processors can now be held accountable under this regulation, whereas this wasn't the case previously. Do you know whether your company is a data processor or a data controller?
If not, then luckily SimplyCast has you covered. We have created an email crash course that will answer this question along with many others you may have, including the basic "What is GDPR?" as well as "What will happen if I don't comply?" We hope this course will help you begin to navigate this tricky subject.
In this course, you will learn about the new rights granted to residents of the E.U. pertaining to the collection and storage of their data. You'll learn about how soon you need to notify your clients after a data breach, and you'll also learn about what could happen if your business is found to be non-compliant.
SimplyCast answers "What is GDPR?" in its free 7-week email course
You can sign up for the seven-week GDPR email course. The course will begin on April 4, 2018 and a new, informative email will be sent out weekly after that. But don't worry. If you've forgotten to sign up for the course, you are still able to sign up once the course has already started. You will receive any previous emails that have been sent and you will continue to receive the weekly emails as the course progresses.
Please contact us at support@simplycast.com if you have any questions about the General Data Protection Regulation or if you have any other questions at all about SimplyCast or our platform.