Do you or your company currently use press releases as a form of online marketing? If not, you should be. A press release is more than just sharing the latest news or accomplishment.
Publishing your press releases online can provide valuable inbound links, drive traffic and increase your chance of being found by the search engines. Being found by search engines really is the ultimate goal that will boost rankings and in turn boost awareness and leads.
So how do you go about getting your press release to spread as wide as possible? The simple answer is using press release submission sites to work in conjunction with more typical ways to share the news.
These free and premium sites deal strictly with sharing and promoting press releases from around the world. If someone is keeping an eye on your industry, this is where your news will be seen.
A Press Release Needs:
But before you get to the distribution part of the process, let's first go over what your press release needs to bring to the table.
First and foremost, make sure you have something that is newsworthy to say. Keep it under one page long. Remember to put your contact details at the end of each press release.
Concentrate on the headline. Journalists scan hundreds of headlines a minute and your subject line is your only chance to grab their attention. Next, summarize the whole story in the first paragraph.
Before you start using submission sites, send the release directly to local newspapers and magazine editors by email. This is a good list to build and have handy for when you have important news to share.
Always paste the story into the body of the email and don't have it as an attachment. Your long-term goal should be to build a relationship with the key journalists in your sector.
It is always a good idea to add your press releases to your own website or blog so current users see you are making news.
Press Release Submission Sites
Once you have taken care of your own website and sent to the list of media. It is time to flood the waters so to speak with your news and have it all over the web in minutes.
There are hundreds of reputable press release submission sites meaning a huge opportunity to spread your release.
The problem is they all need an account set up, the same information copy and pasted and then you have to keep track of all that sites you have used.
What if you did not have to do that? What if online software made it easier?
That is the intent with SimplyCast's press release submission app. Create one account, enter your content once and quickly auto-populate the fields on every submission site, that just happens to be included in the service already.
You don't have to sign out or go to another website. Everything is handled in one place.
The newest addition to SimplyCast's all-in-one marketing service is currently in beta and ready for you to try.
Sign up, try it out and start seeing your press release scattered all over the Internet in half the time. It really could not be easier.