Your Questions, Answered: What is Customer Flow Communication

Your Questions, Answered: What is Customer Flow Communication

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What is Customer Flow Communication

Simply, customer flow communication is a new strategy that combines marketing automation, inbound marketing and multi-channel communication into one platform. The outcome is a personalized message delivered automatically to your audience at the ideal time.

Truly successful and effective communication strategies always use more than one mode of communication. In today's world, if you're just doing one form of online marketing or communication (email being the most common), then you're missing out on major opportunities.

Further, if you have a customer flow communication strategy set up to automate everything at once, you are guaranteeing you engage a new customer from the first second, right through the entire time they stick with you (and they will).

Your individual marketing strategies are not like independent contractors who never come into the office, but, rather, they are more like the office manager who knows what is going on in every department, every second of the day.

Here are some surefire ways to take advantage of customer flow communication.

  • Whenever someone new signs up for your product or service through a landing page, have an automatic welcome email created. It will not only confirm they signed up, but you can introduce your product further. This is where the engagement process begins, or the beginning of the customer flow communication.
  • In any print or TV ad, drive traffic back to your website or social media by making additional information available. You can also include a short code that people can send a text to for more targeted information.
  • Trigger social media posts based on a follower's actions. You can create some messages ahead of time so when an action is taken, a message is sent right away. It will create brand loyalty and continue the nurturing of the lead.
  • If you conduct a poll on your website, release the results through your email marketing campaign to everyone who took the survey in the first place. You can also thank them and include some kind of incentive to upgrade.
  • Always, always, always ensure that each promotional message you send out to your customers not only includes links to your website, social media and YouTube pages, but reasons why people should visit each. You want people to see as much of your brand or product as possible.

These are only a few examples, but with customer flow communication, the options to engage and nurture your audience are limitless (and automated).

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