The newest craze when it comes to social media is Pinterest and for those who have not discovered it yet, or are wondering what exactly it is, we are here to fill in the details.
What is Pinterest?
Pinterest is a brand new social media site that has caught on like wildfire over the past six months. The premise is quite simple: users "pin" images to their personal site from anywhere on the web. Users are then able to "repin" images from other users' sites to their own "pin board."
Think about Pinterest as a gigantic, virtual cork board, but with Pinterest, users are able to organize their "pins" into different categories (or boards). "Pinning" is similar to Facebook's "Likes," Google's "+1" and even Twitter's "Follow" mechanism.
How Do I Use Pinterest for Business?
• Set up a Pinterest page for your business and start "pinning" your products and services.
• Organize your products into different categories. One of the simplest ways to do this is divide your products into groups that appeal to certain demographics or functions like "For the Home," "For the Kids," or "For Spring."
• If you're a service-based business, use Pinterest as a virtual portfolio. If you're a graphic designer, "pin" your best work.
• Don't forget to drive traffic to your website by ensuring that the descriptions of your products and services include links.
• Make sure your descriptions are keyword dense – everything is searchable! Have you set up a Pinterest page for your business yet? We would love to hear what you think, or even better, share your boards with us.
SimplyCast is also on Pinterest, so please follow us and check out our "Now that is Epic" board.SimplyCast's Multi-Channel Marketing Includes Email Marketing