Clinical Wellness Check-Ins

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Daily wellness checks are now becoming more common for clinics, as a way to check the well-being of clients. Many medical clinics face challenges when trying to implement daily wellness check-ins. These challenges can include managing check-in program sign-ups and finding ways to improve the efficiency of check-in processes. Trying to conduct these check-ins manually would require clinics to have a large team of staff.

Using automation would enable clinics to conduct wellness check ins on a larger scale with less manual work required. Helping to ensure clinics can carry on checking in on clients without needing a large team of staff to do so.


SimplyDigital offers the Clinical Wellness Check-ins solution. This system utilizes engagement-oriented automation, enabling clinics to create personalized communication plans. It can fully adapt to each client's preferences, allowing clients to receive the best outreach for them. This use case allows clinics to implement such a program with minimal manual management, saving clinics valuable time.

This use case makes use of easily customized sign-up forms, automated sorting and scheduling. It also provides the ability to send automated wellness calls to allow for a more effective method for providing these services.

Steps to Success

  1. A straightforward sign-up process makes it easy to add new clients to the wellness check-in program.
  2. Send wellness check-in calls out automatically each day at each client’s preferred time of day.
  3. When a client doesn’t answer their wellness call, you can call their fallback contact to notify them. This will allow them to take the right follow-up action.

Best Outcome

Use case benefit
Send wellness checks to many clients without increasing the time spent managing each communication.
Use case benefit
Adapt to clients’ preference of calling times to ensure it suits their schedules.
Use case benefit
Easily implement adjustments for check-ins across different time zones.

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