Education Date-Based Appointment Reminders

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Universities often have thousands of students on campus at any given time. Resulting in hundreds, if not thousands of appointments each week. From office hours to degree advisors, to ethics reviews and more adding up to thousands of messages to handle at once. This can become incredibly time-constraining for staff members. 

Managing students and having information in as near real time as possible requires precision. It would require hiring new staff and expanding the university's admin team. Using an automated solution wouldn't require organizational or physical changes to the office that might disrupt normal activity. Allowing universities to be able to better manage information on upcoming appointments for students and efficiently send out all important details. 


SimplyCast offers the Education Date-Based Appointment Reminder Solution. This combination of digital resources allows universities to manage their appointment messaging strategy and maximize efficiency. This is an automated set of tools tailor-built to alleviate pressures while allowing clinics to engage patients with new services. This suite of tools allows clinics to automate their routine communications allowing staff to focus on other matters requiring human attention.   

Universities can improve many of the processes that come with appointment booking and management using this use case. Allowing universities to save valuable time and resources to allocate elsewhere. 

Steps to Success

  1. Before contacts can receive an automated confirmation or reminder message, patients must book the appointment. Appointments across different departments are bookable online via digital forms.
  2. After the contacts receive appointment confirmation, the department can have automated confirmation messages send to thank the client for their booking. The confirmation and subsequent reminders personalize to the recipient.
  3. Once there is appointment confirmation, the system can set to delay until the appointed booking down to the minute. The systems can also offset the appointment by a day or two. This allows reminders to send out in plenty of time.
  4. The final step of the process is analyzing your reports. Once your message sends, your solution will create an in-depth report showing the engagement to your messages.

Best Outcome

Use case benefit
Save valuable time forming and sending appointment related messages to contacts.
Use case benefit
Easily import existing contacts via integration.
Use case benefit
Communicate with clients using their preferred method of contact when sending out notifications such as appointment confirmation messages, or other vital details.
Use case benefit
Simplify the appointment booking process using short online forms that allow students to book appointments digitally.

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