SimplyCast - Once a Month Customer Strategy Sessions

Once a Month Customer Strategy Sessions

Monthly Customer Strategy Session

What does Strategy Help Me Achieve?

Strategy is here to help make your marketing goals come a reality. We spend time with you to learn about your expected outcomes, such as:

  • Improved Opens
  • Best Practice for Subject Lines in Emails for Optimization
  • Increase your contact database
  • Contact Data Enrichment
  • Increased Conversion
  • Overall boost for your ROI
  • Boost Return visits to your website
  • And more

How Long Does a Strategy Session Take?

A typical strategy session lasts between 30 and 45 minutes. It may be a good idea to schedule a block in your calendar in case the session runs long.

Is This is a Group Session?

No, due to the nature of the conversation, strategy sessions are typically with you or your team. This time is for you and your company to converse about roadblocks and successes that you come across.

How Do I Get a Strategy Session?

Fill out the survey. We ask that you answer a couple questions to ensure that we know as much as we can before we meet with you. When you fill out the survey, one of our Strategy Consultants will reach out to you to set up a time for your first strategy session.


Let us answer them!
CTA Image for Questions