SimplyCast - Free One Hour Strategy Session

Free One Hour Strategy Session

Free One Hour Strategy Session

What is SimplyCast Strategy?

SimplyCast offers free strategy sessions to SimplyCast customers to help them achieve their marketing and communication automation goals. It does not matter if you are testing the software and would like to see how we can help you, or you have been using the platform for a while. Customers are our number one priority.

How do I Benefit from a Strategy Session?

Strategy is available to you to help you achieve your marketing goals. By taking part in a session you can learn about expected outcomes such as:

  • Improved opens
  • Best practice for subject lines in emails
  • Increasing contact database
  • Overall boost for your ROI
  • And more

How do I Sign Up for a Session?

Fill out this form. Once you fill out the form, you will be sent an email with more information and a few more questions. By providing us with answers to these questions, we will start to build a profile on you so we can personalize your session plan. Once that's ready, one of our Strategy Consultants will contact you to set up a session.


Let us answer them!
CTA Image for Questions