SimplyCast Download: Social Automation Provider RFP Kit

Social Automation Provider RFP Kit

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Social media is becoming a very popular form of communication. With 74 percent of all internet users on social media, it is important that your organization has a presence there as well.


However, you don't want to waste too much time monitoring your accounts. This is where social automation comes in. These tools help you maintain your social media presence. But, how do you know which social automation tools are best for your organization? With this in mind, we have created this sample RFP to help you find the social automation provider that best suits your needs.


This kit includes:

  • A fill-in-the-blank PDF file for you to enter in all of your company info, deadlines, and more.
  • A questions table with all of the key questions you should ask voice marketing providers.
  • An answer key with examples of how the questions should be answered. (Bonus: they're all based on our very own social automation tools so they're completely real answers!)
Cover for Social Automation Provider RFP Kit

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