Here you will find FAQs about SimplyCast's Account Networks tool. You'll get all these answers you're looking for in this FAQ topic.
Here you will find FAQs about the application and account settings within SimplyCast. Is private information such as emails safe with SimplyCast? Can I access projects if I don't renew my subscription? You'll get all these answers and more in this topic.
Here you will find FAQs about billing for the SimplyCast platform. How do you remove the SimplyCast logo from emails? Why do I have to click to renew my invoice manually each month? Is SMS marketing affordable? Get all the answers here.
Here you will find FAQs about SimplyCast's calendar application. How do I access the Calendar? How do I search for a project in the Calendar? How do I preview a project in the Calendar? Get all the answers here.
Here you will find FAQs about compliance within SimplyCast platform. I have a purchased mailing list, can I use it? What does "incomplete or hidden address" mean? How do I stay compliant with my SMS campaign? Get all the answers here.
Here you will find FAQs about SimplyCast's contact relationship management application. If re-add an email address will it overwrite existing data? How do I use Audience Management? What is lead generation? Get all the answers here.
Here you will find FAQs about SimplyCast's email marketing application. How do I create an email with your automated solution? How do I copy an existing email project? Can I create a preheader in my email campaign? Get all the answers here.
Here you will find FAQs about SimplyCast's emergency management suite of tools. Can I use Instant Teleconference with SimplyCast 360? Can I insert a map in my event? Can you view more than one account in your account network? Get the answers here.
Here you will find FAQs about SimplyCast's event application. Can I set up an event landing page? How can I set up online registration for an event? What is event marketing? Get all the answers here.
Here you will find FAQs about SimplyCast's Facebook scheduling application. How do I schedule Facebook updates for later? How do I integrate a SimplyCast form into a Facebook page? What is Facebook marketing software? Get the answers here.
Here you will find FAQs about SimplyCast's fax broadcasting application. Can I upload a PDF file to send? Can I add a cover page to my fax blast campaign? Can I use HTML to create my fax broadcast campaign? Get all the answers here.
Here you will find FAQs about SimplyCast's form and survey applications. Can SimplyCast generate forms for contact lists? Can I use my own custom logos? Can I receive email notifications when someone signs up? Get all the answers here.
Here you will find FAQs about integrations SimplyCast has with third-party applications. Can I capture data entered in a form with external programs? Do you integrate with Zoho? Is there an API for SimplyCast? Get all the answers here.
Here you will find FAQs about SimplyCast's landing page generator. How do I use the Custom Domains feature? What is a landing page? Do you offer custom domains? Get all the answers to these questions and more.
Here you will find FAQs about reporting within the SimplyCast platform. Does the application generate reports on data? Where can I see the lists that were used for a campaign? How do I download my email reports? Get all the answers here.
Here you will find FAQs about SimplyCast's reseller partnership program. How can I keep track of my clicks and sales? Can resellers offer free plans? Can one platform have managed services and normal accounts? Get all these answers here.
Do you have questions about SimplyCast 360? Here you will find FAQs about SimplyCast's marketing automation platform. How can I engage users on a specific issue? How does SimplyCast 360 make its decisions? You'll get all these answers and more here!
Here you will find FAQs about SimplyCast's SMS marketing application. How do I create an SMS campaign? Can I save my messages and use them again later? Should I use shortcode or longcode for SMS marketing? Get all the answers here.
Here you will find FAQs about SimplyCast's web tracking application. What is Potential Value? What is Purchase Amount? What is Acquisition Cost? How do I build a tracking rule? Get all these answers here.
Here you will find FAQs about SimplyCast and its products and services that don't quite fit into a specific category. What is business continuity planning? Do you have video tutorials I can watch? You'll get the answer to these questions and more.
Here you will find FAQs about SimplyCast's voice broadcasting application. Should you use music with automated call distribution? Can I schedule when my voice broadcast begins? Do you provide automated calling post numbers? Get all the answers here.