How do I create a new role?

How do I create a new role?

Account Networks FAQs

Click the green Create New Role button found at the top left side of the Role Management page in the Roles tab, and a sidebar window will appear asking you to provide a name for the new role.

create a new role sidebar

When you have entered a name into the textbox provided, the next field in the sidebar allows you to select any management groups you wish to apply the new role to. Management groups are collections of users, accounts, and other groups that work within the same realm or sector and may have cause to share information back and forth between themselves. Refer to the Groups section to learn more.

Select one or more groups (or none) to apply the new role to by clicking on the Select Management Groups field and selecting the desired groups from the dropdown menu that appears. Or, type out the name of a desired group and make a selection from the filtered options. Selected groups will appear in a section below this field. To remove a group from the selection, click the “X” button to the right of the group name.

Once you have named your role and added any management groups, click the green Create button to proceed to the next page of the role creation process. Alternatively, click Cancel to close the pop-up window without creating a new role.

To configure the new role:

Edit new role screen

  • The first field on the setup page is the Role Name field. It will be auto-filled with the name you provided upon creating the role, though you can modify the name if you wish. This is a mandatory field.
  • The next field is where you must select a SimplyCast application for which to assign permissions from the dropdown menu that appears once clicking on the field. Selecting an application will cause a new section to appear on the page below the dropdown with a list of possible permissions with checkboxes beside them. These permissions include various standard create, view, edit, share, and delete capabilities.
  • To the right of the Select an Application dropdown, there are two faded buttons: Deselect All and Select All. Once an application has been chosen from the dropdown menu, these buttons will become active allowing for easy selection or deselection of all permissions for that application.

Selecting permissions to add to role

[Note: For a more specific role, you can also check off various permissions individually instead of doing a mass “Select All.” For example, if you wanted the role to have the ability to create and view alerts, but not be able to delete them, you can select only the permissions you need using the checkboxes located to the left of the permission name.]

  • Repeat for any other applications you wish to add permissions for by selecting the applications from the dropdown menu.

Selecting application to add to role

[Note: Once you have given a role permissions for an application, the “X” button located to the application name in the dropdown will change into a checkmark, indicating the role has been given permission for that application.]

  • Once you have finished configuring the role, click the blue Save button at the bottom right side of the page to save your new role. Or, click Cancel to return to the main Role Management page without saving any changes.

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