Can I add a signature to my emails?

Can I add a signature to my emails?

Email FAQs

Can I add a signature to my emails?

At this time you cannot generate a signature for your emails automatically; however, you may certainly add a signature in the message editor when you create your email message content.

Is this a feature coming up?

This should be a feature coming up, though when we can't say for sure. Keep an eye on new developments and blog posts for more information as this feature becomes a reality, or to learn why it's not.

Once it's in the message body, will I have to put it in again for other emails?

No, actually. You can save the project as a template, allowing you to keep all the design choices the same, and that will save the message body as well. This allows you to create a basic email that is consistent with your branding and bears your signature, and then use that template for future email projects.

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