How does the Data tab in Sonar work?

How does the Data tab in Sonar work?

Sonar FAQs

How does the Data tab in Sonar work?

The Data tab shows information specifically about each lead in a table that you can navigate to learn more about the customer themselves. If you're looking for where they've visited, or how hot a lead they are, you want the Metadata tab. Data will show you the lead ID, what type of lead they are, when they visited and other information. It will also display when the data in Lead Metadata was added. That information is displayed in two tabs. Here is what you can expect on the Data tab of Sonar reporting.

Hits subtab:

  • Lead ID - Displays the name for a visitor, shows as "row.owner_id" if the visitor is anonymous.
  • Lead Type - Shows two types based on if you have the contact information for a given visitor. "Contact" means you do, "Anonymous" means you don't.
  • Time - The time that a given visitor interacted with your site.
  • Unique - Displays an indicator as to if the visit was a unique visitor or not
  • IP - Displays the IP address of the visitor.
  • OS - Displays the visitor's operating system, or Other if the OS is unknown.
  • Browser - Displays the visitor's browser or lists as Other of unknown.
  • Referrer - The link that the visitor came from would be displayed here.

Below the grid, you'll be able to use the text boxes and buttons to alter how many entries appear on a page and navigate pages.

Attached Data

Here you can find visitor information such as the field a value was changed in on the visitor's profile, as well as when it happened and each time it happened. So while a customer may display a score of 30 on their profile, the Attached Data reporting subtab will show each instance that five was added to their score.

  • Lead ID - Displays the name for a visitor, shows as "row.owner_id" if the visitor is anonymous.
  • Lead Type - Shows two types based on if you have the contact information for a given visitor. "Contact" means you do, "Anonymous" means you don't.
  • Time - The time that a given visitor interacted with your site.
  • Field - The area that was changed, such as Tags, Score, etc.
  • Value - The exact change. This could be +5 to score, or the tag "Cars" for example.

These are the subtabs in Data that will show you information about your visitors and when that information was changed. This reporting tab can help you learn a great deal about your visitors in order to convert them into customers and meet their needs better than anyone else.

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