What is a landing page?
We do. Custom domains are currently a unique addition to Landing Pages, although capability will be expanded throughout the app over time. This is to ensure that they function properly, linking back regardless of the medium the custom domain URL is placed in.
You can set up a custom domain through the application for Landing Page only. To set up a custom domain for email, purchase the subscription you want and then send an email to the Customer Care Team at customercare@simplycast.com. A customer care representative will be in contact with you promptly to set it up.
Custom domains are included in the Professional subscription level of Landing Page, and will likely carry over to Professional levels of other packages as well.
When you have access to custom domains, you will be able to click the gear icon in the top right of our application and select "Account Details." When you have reached the Account Details page, you'll notice a series of tabs on the left hand side. Select the one labeled "Domains" and type in the Custom Domain you have purchased through us, clicking "Add Domain" to finalize the process.
Custom domain is primarily for use on Landing Pages, as it allows you to keep your branding consistent over all of your pages, which will keep customers interested, reduce your bounce rate, and allow you to stay consistent and well known.