What is an endpoint and how is it used?
Connecting your SimplyCast account with OnePageCRM is simple.
What you need:
1. Login to your SimplyCast account and go to the integration marketplace. 2. Select the OnePageCRM integration and click Install.3. Enter the configuration information and click Save.
4. Select Create under the Active Connections section. Give your connection a name and select the type of connection you would like it to be. Click Create to create the connection.5.Configure your connection and select the processing interval (how often synchronization tasks occur). Name the list where you would like the contacts to be placed. (A new list is created for each connection. You cannot choose an existing list.)6. Configure your field mapping for the connection.
7. Click Save to save your synchronization configuration.8. Return back to the integration. You will notice that your connection is inactive.9. Select the connection you have just created and click Enable. Your connection should now show as active.