Is my voice used in the voice messages sent to clients?
To set up your automated call, first you need to decide whether you would like to upload an audio file from your device to your voice campaign, or whether you wish to use the text-to-speech function that is available.
If you choose to upload a file, make sure it is formatted as an MP3, WAV, or Ogg file.
The text-to-speech functionality allows you to type out the message you want to send and when the automated phone call gets sent out to your contacts, the system will convert the text into an automated voice which will play the message.
Once you have your voice message set up, here are the next steps in creating your automated call:
Complete your campaign and you have finished setting up your first automated phone call!
Still unsure about how to make an automated phone call campaign? No problem! Our team is always happy to help. Click the button below to sign up for a demo of SimplyCast's voice broadcasting software!