What is lead generation?
Audience management is a feature that aims to allow you to segment your contacts so that select communications are only sent to certain contacts, depending on which audience they are a part of.
The process starts with the Customer Relationship Manager. Click on the Audience Management tab, and you'll be taken to a page with two green buttons Create New Group and Create New Audience.
You'll also be able to see any groups you already have, and which audiences are in them.
When you click Create New Group, you'll be asked to name your group; when you're satisfied, hit Save & Return in the lower right-hand corner. This will bring you back to the main Audience Management page, where you will see your new group displayed. You'll notice a gear icon next to the name of the group; you can click it to see options specific to that group, such as the ability to edit the group's name, delete the group, view contacts in the group, or create a new audience for the group.
When you click Create New Audience, you'll be asked to name your audience, as well as what group it is part of. You can also provide a description of your audience, and choose to make it public if you'd like. You don't need to include a description if you don't want to, but an audience must have a name and be assigned to a group; as audiences are subsections, they must live in groups.
On the main page, clicking the checkbox next to the name of an audience gives you a few additional options. From here, you can choose to delete the audience, edit the audience, or view contacts that are specifically in that audience.
Now that you have your groups and audiences created and populated with your contacts, it's time to use the feature. On the Schedule page of an email campaign, there is the option to select the desired audience for the communication to be sent to. You can choose to send it to all of your contacts, a specific group in general, or a specific audience within a specific group. After this is defined, your communication sends as it normally would.
Ready to try Audience Management? Sign up for a free 14-day trial today!