How do you configure a delay?
SimplyCast 360 FAQs

- Click the blue Settings button in the Delay field.
- Clicking this button will open a Relative Time Settings sidebar where you are able to choose the type of delay from the Schedule Type dropdown: Fixed Offset or Flexible.
- Choosing Fixed Offset as your schedule type will cause the Offset field to appear. This field contains two dropdowns and a textbox. Choose your unit of time from the dropdown on the right (hours, days, weeks, or months), and in the dropdown on the left, choose the number of the selected time unit you would like (1-12). The textbox beneath the dropdowns will describe the time interval you selected in plain text.

- Choosing Flexible as your type causes a Timeframe dropdown field to appear. In this field, choose whether you want the trigger to delay until a certain time of day, a certain day of the week, or within a month.

- Selecting the Time of Day option means the trigger will fire once within the next 24 hours. To select the exact time the trigger will fire, go down to the Time of Day field below the Timeframe field.

- The Time of Day field has three options: one for the hour, one for the minute, and one for choosing between AM and PM. Use these dropdowns to configure an exact time the trigger will fire.

- Selecting the Day of Week option will cause a Days of the Week field to appear where you must select the days of the week you wish the trigger to be delayed until.
- Once you have selected the day of the week, the field beneath it is the Time of Day field. This field has three dropdowns: the hour, the minute, and AM/PM. Use these dropdowns to choose the exact time of day the trigger will fire.
- Selecting the Within a Month option will cause two new fields to appear. In the first field you will choose the week of the month you wish the trigger to be repeated, and in the second field you will select the day of the week.

- Once you have selected the day of the week, the field beneath it is the Time of Day field. This field has three dropdowns: the hour, the minute, and AM/PM. Use these dropdowns to choose the exact time of day the trigger will fire.
- Once you have determined the amount of time you want to pause the campaign, click the blue Confirm button to save your settings and close the pop-up window, or click the Cancel button to close the window without configuring your schedule type.