Can I get credit for bounced emails?
Email delivery can depend on many factors. It is important to consider the following when looking at your results:
It is also important to understand what the "Delivered, Not Tracked" statistic means:
The statistic "Delivered, Not Tracked" means that an email was sent to your recipient, but we could not confirm if that email was opened or not.
To track if an email has been opened, SimplyCast inserts a small (hidden) image into your HTML code. When this image is loaded, the system will know that the recipient loaded the message content and viewed the message. Many email programs do not automatically load images in HTML messages, and if the recipient does not choose to load images or their email program is not able to view images, we cannot track if an image has been loaded and if the email has been opened.
Also, please note that messages sent in text-only format cannot be tracked because the tracking code requires HTML format.