Web form: How do I know it is configured properly?
The third section in a form report is the Response Breakdown section where you can review the responses received for each field in your form. SimplyCast’s web form software allows each information-gathering field in your form to be represented in a two-column table with columns for Responses and Date Submitted.
To download any of the individual form response sections, click the blue Download button located at the top left side of any of the response sections and choose what information you would like to include in the download.
For any choice elements you may have included in your form project (such as dropdown menus or radio buttons), SimplyCast’s web form software shows you a pie chart displaying the results received for the various options. You can hover over any section of the pie chart to see more detailed information about that response. Click on any option in the legend below the pie chart to hide the respective choice option in the pie chart. The pie chart’s percentages will adjust based on the hidden option(s). To the right-hand side of each pie chart, you will see a three-barred button that can be clicked to bring up a dropdown menu with options for printing the pie chart or downloading it to your device.
There are four formats for downloading the pie chart:
Below the response table or pie chart in the Response Breakdown section of the form report, you will see information regarding the Question Type and Response Rate for that particular field.
Click the button below to sign up for a demo of SimplyCast’s web form software to see how you can start creating web forms for your organization.