From the SimplyCast 360 Dashboard you are able to create a new SimplyCast 360 campaign, view the list of campaigns, view older campaigns, search campaigns, edit campaigns, copy a campaign's structure, create a template of a campaign, delete a campaign, create a campaign from a template, and view campaign reports.

If you wish to create a new SimplyCast 360 campaign:
- Click the green Create Campaign button at the top of the SimplyCast 360 Dashboard.
- Clicking this button redirects you to the naming page. Type the name of the campaign into the textbox provided.
- This redirects you to the Automation Flow Editor, where you can begin building your SimplyCast 360 campaign.
To view the list of campaigns:

- Below the Create Campaign button, you will see a list of all the SimplyCast 360 campaigns you have created, with the most recent appearing at the top. If there are no projects listed, this means you have not yet created one.
- You will see five pieces of information:
- Name: The name you gave your SimplyCast 360 campaign
- Status: Whether the SimplyCast 360 campaign is active or inactive
- Created On: The date and time the campaign was created
- Last Modified: The date and time the campaign was last modified
- Actions: Buttons to either edit, copy, deactivate, create template, or delete a campaign

To view older SimplyCast campaigns that do not appear immediately in the list:
- Navigate down to the bottom of your screen where you will find the page numbers indicating the total number of pages of SimplyCast 360 campaigns you have created.
- If the campaign you are looking for is not on the first page, click the "Next" button to look through older campaigns on later pages. Or, if you know the page the campaign is on, you can click the appropriate page number or enter the page number into the textbox provided to be redirected to that page.

To search for a specific campaign:
- Click the blue Edit button located on the far-right side of the screen across from the corresponding campaign name.
- Make the edits in the Automation Flow Editor and click Save at the bottom of the page to save your edits. Or, click Back to Dashboard to return to the main SimplyCast 360 Dashboard without making any changes.

To copy a SimplyCast 360 campaign:
- Locate the blue Edit button on the far-right side of the screen across from the corresponding campaign name and click the dropdown beside it.
- Select the Copy option from the dropdown.
- A pop-up window will appear where you can name your new campaign. Enter the name and then click the green Create button.
- Your new campaign will now appear in the list of campaigns on the SimplyCast 360 Dashboard.

A template is essentially a copy of an existing SimplyCast 360 campaign, with all the elements and connections intact, which you can use as a base to create similar campaigns in the future. This is useful for flows that you may need to recreate frequently, like product launch campaigns or Contact Us campaigns. To create a SimplyCast 360 template:
- Locate the blue Edit button on the far-right side of the screen across from the corresponding campaign name and click the dropdown arrow beside it.
- Select the Create Template option.
- A pop-up window will appear where you will be asked to enter a name for your template by typing the name into the textbox provided. You must also choose whether to publish the new template to your account by checking off the Publish Template checkbox.
- Click the green Create button at the bottom of the window to save your new template or click the gray Cancel button to close the pop-up window without creating a template.

There are two ways to delete a SimplyCast 360 campaign:
Select one or multiple campaigns to delete by clicking the checkbox to the left of the campaign name. This will cause a red Delete Campaign(s) button to appear at the top of the screen next to the green Create Campaign button

Or, locate the blue Edit button on the far-right side of the screen across from the corresponding campaign name and click the dropdown arrow beside it. Select the Delete option

Either of these actions will cause a Confirm Delete pop-up to appear. This pop-up will display the name of the campaign(s) you wish to delete and explain that deleting campaigns cannot be undone. To confirm the deletion of the campaign:
- Click the checkbox at the bottom of the pop-up to confirm that you want to delete the campaign.
- Click the red Delete button to delete the campaign.

To create a new SimplyCast 360 campaign using a pre-created template, click the Templates tab on the left-hand side of the SimplyCast 360 Dashboard. Clicking this button will direct you to the Account templates page where you are able to choose from a selection of templates available to your account (if any).
Finally, you can easily view the report for any SimplyCast 360 campaign that has already been activated. To enter the main SimplyCast 360 reporting page in the SimplyCast Reporting Interface, navigate to the list of tabs on the left-hand side of the screen in the SimplyCast 360 Dashboard. Click the third tab down from the top, which will take you to the Reporting page where all the information received for this channel will be displayed.