Texting keywords are used when a customer texts a specific word or code to the phone number they received an SMS from to receive information instantly. For example, a texting keyword could be “PROMO” and when that word is texted back to the number, they will receive information on promotions. They can be also used to hold contests and other great things to help connect better to customers.
Back on the main SMS dashboard, the next tab on the left-hand side of the screen is your Keywords tab. This is where you can manage your existing texting keywords for use in SMS campaigns.
Contacts can also use texting keywords in order to opt-in to receive your SMS communications. Keywords are available through short codes, which are 6-digit phone numbers users can text into. From there, you can send messages through short codes to your subscribers. Short code keywords are a more secure and reliable way to send SMS messages. All of your existing keywords are listed on the main dashboard with the following information available:
The next tab below the Keywords tab on the SMS dashboard is Request Keywords. From this tab, you are able to request new texting keywords to use to communicate with your audience. Before requesting a new keyword, it is recommended you read the Keyword Request Guidelines by clicking the blue Guidelines button next to the green Request a Keyword button. After you have reviewed the guidelines, you may request a new texting keyword by clicking the green Request a Keyword button to produce a sidebar from the right side of your screen. In the sidebar, you will need to select an appropriate short code number and then fill in the necessary information.
Using SimplayCast’s SMS tool allows for better engagement and stronger relationships with customers. If you are interested, or would like to learn more information, click here to get in contact with one of our sales team members and they will be happy to assist in any way. If you would like to even try it out, click on the button below to request a demo!